Winner of the Best Film at the Sundance Film Festival (under its former title Padre Nuestro), SANGRE DE MI SANGRE is an exhilarating and provocative thriller from newcomer Christopher Zalla exposing the dark side of the American dream. A young Mexican immigrant, Pedro (Jorge Adrian Espindola), journeys to New York City in search of the successful father he’s never met only to have his belongings and identity stolen by a conniving thief, Juan (Armando Hernandez). As Pedro is left alone and unable to communicate in a country foreign to him, Juan cons his way into the home of Pedro’s father, Diego (Jesus Ochoa), finding a man just as flawed as he is. While Juan attempts to reinvent himself, Pedro’s only hope lies with a mysteriously complex prostitute, Magda (Paola Mendoza), as he frantically searches for his identity back.
High Speed Broadband Connection recommended, Flash Plug in Required!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Alone in a Paris plagued by deadly race riots, the young and beautiful Yasmine is looking for a way out. In her desperation, she turns to her shady ex-boyfriend. Together with his two thug friends, they pull off a bold heist and head for the border. With the police close behind, they hide out in a seemingly peaceful inn. But the mysterious innkeeper is hiding a secret more terrifying than anything they could ever imagine. Trapped in an endless maze of tunnels crawling with hungry subhuman cannibals, they must fight to survive their bloody initiation into the innkeeper’s evil family cult.
Journey To the Center of the Earth
An exciting adventure based on the classic Jules Verne novel “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” Journey to the Center of the Earth stars Brendan Fraser (Crash, The Mummy) as a science professor whose untraditional hypotheses have made him the laughing stock of the academic community. But on an expedition in Iceland, he and his nephew stumble upon a major discovery that launches them on a thrilling journey deep beneath the Earth’s surface, where they travel through never-before-seen worlds and encounter a variety of unusual creatures. Journey to the Center of the Earth is directed by Academy Award-winning visual effects veteran Eric Brevig (Total Recall, Pearl Harbor) from a screenplay by Michael Weiss and Jennifer Flackett & Mark Levin. The film is a co-venture between New Line Cinema and Walden Media.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
老师嫁老大 Ah Long Pte Ltd

Watch it online now!
曾经在黑道中叱咤一时的风云人物陈军 , 决定退出自己一手创立的庞大黑社会贷款组织(大耳窿)“少和帮”,毅然把这个称霸新马两地的大耳窿集团交棒给其帮内爱徒女将立华手上。
外表男性化的立华是个相当有远见的组织领导人,她认为帮会若继续采取暴力手段来向借贷人追收所欠贷款,帮会将很快就会被警方盯上而宣告瓦解。 因此,立华在接棒上位后,便坐言起行,即刻在帮会里展开一连串的革新行动。 然而,这些改革却招来陈军暗地里不满。
方老师是一位舞蹈老师,个性虽然有一点娘娘腔,但为人热心, 乐于助人。
方老师在一次意外中邂逅立华,并因为立华母亲的施压和她帮会里的助手皇帝、兵头的威逼利诱, 他在百般无奈之下,被逼迎娶了立华为妻,但是二人之间始终没有深厚的夫妻感情。
青龙帮帮主知道陈军对立华在帮会里的行事作风颇有微言,便不怀好意的趁机挑拨离间,欲拉拢陈军过去帮他。 狡猾的陈军表面上不接受其献意,甚至故意与立华和好,然而少和帮的噩耗却从此连二接三地发生。。。
Ah Long Pte Ltd 《老师嫁老大》 is a light-hearted black comedy about the triad world and the money-lending business. Instead of treating the subject of Ah Longs (money-lenders) seriously, the movie takes on a humorous and sarcastic treatment. It depicts how a young lady tries to restructure her money-lending triad into a professional and ‘loving' triad that stands against the use of violence after she takes over from her triad leader who has retired. Her various restructuring plans (which are no doubt very creative) bring about hilarious results.
Chen Jun (played by Richard Low) is the leader of Shao He Triad. The story opens with him deciding to “retire” from the triad business. Prior to his retirement, he elects Wang Li Hua (played by Fann Wong), a young but tough girl, as his successor.
Li Hua believes that changes need to be made to the current money lending system . Although Li Hua prioritizes the triad's success, she is very much against the idea of using violent means to collect debts. Therefore, with the help of some professional consultants, Li Hua and several of her subordinates (played by KK and Daniel Tan) start adopting a series of creative tactics to attract money lenders and practice hilarious methods to pressure the money-lenders to repay in a non-violent way. However, Li Hua's plan of “restructuring” her triad meets with obstacles and opposition from the majority of the conservative elders in both her own triad and rival triad.
At the brighter end of the world, Mr. Fang (played by Mark Lee) is a kind-hearted dance instructor who is slightly sissy in character. Fate has it that Mr. Fang runs into Li Hua on numerous occasions by chance. Since Li Hua's mother has been pressuring her to get married, Li Hua decides to force Mr. Fang to marry her. Surprisingly, Mr. Fang agrees to it, wanting to prove his masculinity. Though finding it hard to accept the fact that Li Hua is a triad head, Mr. Fang approves of her effort to minimize the use of violence. Subsequently, he offers to help Li Hua out by introducing creative ways to reduce violent methods of debt collection.