Sunday, November 18, 2007


Watching the movie online now!

"苹果"是一部现代都市题材的黑色幽默影片,故事讲述一次偶然发生且充满争议的“强奸/通奸”事件,导致梁家辉和妻子金燕玲以及范冰冰和丈夫佟大为两个贫富家庭之间爆发 ...

恋空 Koizora(Japan)

"Koizora" is a love story that was originally published on the popular cell phone site Mahou no iRando. It was authored by new writer Mika, and is based on ...

바르게 살자 Jungdoman

A string of bank robberies puts the public in a panic and they demand action from the newly appointed police chief to crack down on the perpetrators. In order to appease the residents of the city and carry out his own ambitions, The police chief appoints naive traffic cop JUNG Do-man to infiltrate the world of the robbers.

식객 The Best Chef 食客

At a press conference, a cooking knife of a special spirit is being presented to the public. The knife belongs to the last Korean royal chef of the Chosun Dynasty who cut his arms with this knife to show his loyalty to the king and the country. The Japanese bureaucrat at the time was deeply moved by his conviction and returned to Japan with this knife. Now, his son has come to...

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