Cloverfield is the reported code name[2] of an upcoming film produced by J. J. Abrams, directed by Matt Reeves, and written by Drew Goddard. First publicized in advance screenings of Transformers, the project is slated for a January 18, 2008 release. Paramount Pictures is carrying out a viral marketing campaign to promote the film.
High Speed Broadband Connection recommended, Flash Plug in Required!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Konusu [değiştir]
Uyarı: Yazının devamı, eserin konusu hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi içermektedir.
Muharrem, kendi halinde yaşamakta, babasından kalan evde tek başına yaşamını sürdürmekte, zamanının çoğunu bağlı olduğu dergâhta ibadetle geçirmektedir.Kendini Allah'ın buyruklarına adamıştır ve bu şekilde günah ve kötülükten sakındığını düşünür.Bağlandığı tarikatta, dünyadan elini eteğini çekmişliği ile dikkat çeken Muharrem, şeyh tarafından tarikatın/dergâhın dünya işlerini yürütmek için ihtiyaç duyduğu adam olarak seçilir.Muharrem böylece tarikatın mali işlerini üstlenir.Tarikata ve şeyhe duyduğu güven ve saygıyla, ayrıca Allah sevgisi-korkusu ile bu göreve itiraz edemeyen Muharrem, ne var ki bu yolla sakınmaya çalıştığı dünya ile daha yoğun bir temasa geçmek durumunda kalır.Rüyalarında para, içki ve kadın eksik olmaz.Her rüyasında aynı kadınla sevişir ve boşalarak uyanır.Dünyevi olan ile uhrevi olan arasındaki çatışmada giderek tükenen Muharrem hızla değişime uğramaya başlar, sakinliğini ve dürüstlüğünü
Fair Grim
A ten-years-later continuation of Hal Hartley's "Henry Fool", where Fay Grim (Parker Posey) is coerced by a CIA agent (Jeff Goldblum) to try and locate notebooks that belonged to her fugitive ex-husband (Thomas Jay Ryan). Published in them is information that could compromise the security of the U.S., causing Fay to first head to Paris to fetch them...
秒速5センチメートル(5 Centimeters per Second)
「秒速5センチメートル a chain of short stories about their distance」(びょうそく-)は、新海誠監督が制作し、2007年3月3日に公開されたアニメーション映画。
「雲のむこう、約束の場所」に続く、新海誠の4作目の監督作品。渋谷シネマライズを皮切りに、その他の地方でも上映された。また、2月16日正午から3日間にかけて、Yahoo!プレミアム会員・Yahoo! BB会員限定サービスとして、第1話「桜花抄」の先行無料配信が行われた。
なお、「ダ・ヴィンチ」誌上で新海誠自身による同作の小説も連載さ...5 Centimeters Per Second (秒速5センチメートル, Byōsoku Go Senchimētoru?), subtitled "a chain of short stories about their distance." is a 2007 Japanese animated feature film by Makoto Shinkai. The film was finished on January 22, 2007. The first part of the film was debuted on Yahoo! Japan as streaming video to Yahoo! Premium members from 16 February to 19 February, 2007. On March 3, 2007, the full length
featured film had its theatrical premiere at Cinema Rise in Shibuya, Tokyo. The film consists of three segments: Ōkashō (桜花抄), Cosmonaut (コスモナウト), and Byōsoku 5 Senchimētoru (秒速5センチメートル), totaling about an hour of runtime. As in Shinkai's previous works, Tenmon composes for this film's soundtrack. The DVD was released on 19 July 2007 according to Makoto Shinkai's official website.
Makoto Shinkai had expressed that, unlike his past works, there would be no fantasy or science fiction elements in this film. Instead, the feature film would attempt to present the real world from a different perspective. Makoto's film gives a realistic view of the struggles many face against, time, space, people, and love. The movie is named 5 Centimeters Per Second for the speed at which cherry blossom petals fall, petals being a metaphorical representation of humans, reminiscent
Hot Rod
Paramount Pictures' "Hot Rod" is an uproarious comedy starring "Saturday Night Live" regular Andy Samberg.
Rod Kimble (Samberg), a self-proclaimed stuntman, is convinced he has bravery in his blood. He's grown up believing he's the son of Evel Knievel's test-rider, a courageous stuntman who died in his prime. Rod is committed to fulfilling his father's legacy. Only problem is...he sucks!
Rod lives at home with his loving mom Marie (Sissy Spacek), jerk of a stepfather Frank (Ian McShane) and nerdy stepbrother Kevin (Jorma Taccone). He doesn't have a job, and can usually be found doing stunts on his moped, attempting to jump over everything from milk trucks to public swimming pools. Rod and his team - Dave (Bill Hader), the mechanic; Rico (Danny McBride), the ramp builder and Kevin, the team manager/videographer - are inseparable. It's almost like they share a brain. When Rod's neighbor Denise (Isla Fisher) joins the team, the group's IQ virtually doubles.
Rod remains optimistic in spite of the abuse he suffers from his stepfather. Frank has a penchant...