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Chocolate is the latest from director Prachya Pinkaew, the man at the helm of Ong Bak and Tom Yum Goong/The Protector starring the inimitable Tony Jaa.
The movie stars Nicharee Vismistananda who has been training for years in preparation for this role. She plays an autistic girl who goes after gang members to collect debts to help her sick mother. Of course, this causes Thai and Japanese gangs to take notice and go after Nicharee.
这部泰国片的故事是讲述一个女孩 Nicharee “Jeeja” Vismistananda 被安排收债的工作来抢救生病的母亲。而这个女孩自幼就与普通人不一样,有超强的感官及学习能力。结果应该从头到尾都是在打打杀杀的场面吧。戏里我唯一熟悉的竟然就是阿部宽Hiroshi Abe!原来他跑来当起日本黑社会头头。
原来这个小女孩为了这个角色,早在几年前就开始被安排在学习武术,所以打起来得心应手吧。最后惊觉到原来这部戏就是那个拍了Ong Bak、Tom Yam Gong的导演 - Prachya Pinkaew所拍的,难怪像学成龙早期电影精神一样的那么不要命。可是人家毕竟还是小女生,不是Tony Jaa那么强壮吧。这部电影打着不使用钢索、不用替身、没有特效的不要命电影吧。Chocolate将会在2月份泰国上映。