Prunning time! ! I have tons to trim between 4 tanks.
So I am offering $5 portions (see descriptions below) + $6 USPS priority shipping
($10 minimum please)
Pick 5 plants for $25 and shipping is FREE USPS priority.
PM for paypal
Will ship Monday and Tuesday.
Plants come from these tanks.


Blyxa Japonica 5 stems $5
Poaceae sp. 'Purple Bamboo' 3 stems $5
Taiwan moss - Taxiphyllum alternans golf ball $5
Riccia fluitans 3” x 3” $5
Tall/Umbrella hairgrass-Eleocharis vivipara 6 plantlets $5
Najas roraima stem branching fills sandwich bag $5
Limnophila aromatica 5 stems $5
Bacopa caroliniana 8 stems $5
Clinopodium cf. brownei (Lindernia anagallis) 6 stems $5
Rotala sp. 'Nanjenshan' 7 stems $5
Hygro corymbosa ‘angustifolia’ 6 stems $5
Hygro Polysperma 8 stems $5
So I am offering $5 portions (see descriptions below) + $6 USPS priority shipping
($10 minimum please)
Pick 5 plants for $25 and shipping is FREE USPS priority.
PM for paypal
Will ship Monday and Tuesday.
Plants come from these tanks.
Blyxa Japonica 5 stems $5
Poaceae sp. 'Purple Bamboo' 3 stems $5
Taiwan moss - Taxiphyllum alternans golf ball $5
Riccia fluitans 3” x 3” $5
Tall/Umbrella hairgrass-Eleocharis vivipara 6 plantlets $5
Najas roraima stem branching fills sandwich bag $5
Limnophila aromatica 5 stems $5
Bacopa caroliniana 8 stems $5
Clinopodium cf. brownei (Lindernia anagallis) 6 stems $5
Rotala sp. 'Nanjenshan' 7 stems $5
Hygro corymbosa ‘angustifolia’ 6 stems $5
Hygro Polysperma 8 stems $5
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